Doc's Roan Prince
AKA "Prince"
Hi there. I’m Prince. I am the oldest animal here on the farm. My mom got me when she was in 8th grade and I was only a year old. What that means is I am 25 years old now. So my mom is getting really old. HAHA. I have been keeping her on her toes for 24 years. She trained me and broke me herself. Over the years many people have offered to purchase me, but mom always says no because she made a lifetime commitment when she purchased me.
Because I am older, I have some arthritis in my stifles so I no longer get ridden. My mom brushes me and still lets me “work” by moving the other animals if I want, but never adds any kind of pressure. I usually do not like dogs but I do like Maggie ok. She’s the LGD. I do try to steal her dinner every day, even when mom is standing right there. I’m told I get fat off air, so my grain is more regulated than everyone else’s. Mom says that I have to stay thinner because of my arthritis. She says my bubble butt is no longer cute (I am certain she is lying).
Anyway if you have any questions feel free to ask mom. She’s been dealing with my crap for years and there isn’t much we haven’t done.