Cheshire Moon Farms Hell's Belle
AKA "Belle"
,Hi! I’m Belle. I’m a January 2024 bottle kid as well. I was raised with Sugar and we are still pretty good friends. I actually prefer to hang out with Popsicle the most. He is super nice to me. I do not move as well as the other goats. I am very similar to Annie’s situation, just a tad different. When I was really little I got my back right hoof stuck in some electro-net fencing that wasn’t plugged in. I got it so tight it took mom a lot of time to get me loose. She did get me loose, but I hadn’t had good blood flow to my toes for too long. No matter what mom tried, physical therapy, acupuncture, meds, everything… my toes came off. It really doesn’t bother me and I move around really good. It hasn’t stopped me from playing, running or having fun. Eventually, mom says I can get a prosthetic set of toes. But I have to finish growing first.
Just like Sugar I have a second mommy in Krystal. I love it when she comes to cuddle me and give me snacks. I will be back on the petting zoo circuit this year, 4 legs 3 toe sets and all. It is important for people to see that disabilities are just different abilities. Acceptance is huge for me and I get it here! Love you guys! *Kisses*