Cheshire Moon Farms Sugar Bear
AKA Sugar
Hi! I’m Sugar! I am the friendliest goat on the farm, well its a tie between me, Hope and Abby. Actually we are all best friends. I also have a friend Belle, she’s really cool. She and I were bottle kids together! We still hang out from time to time but if you see me, Abby and Hope are never far behind. I am a trouble maker but I have to keep mom on her toes! If she gets bored its never good haha. Anyway, Belle and I also have the same second momma, Krystal. Mom says Krystal actually owns us and we just live with mom… something about goats not being allowed to live in town. I think it’s silly, but I don’t apparently get a vote.
But yeah I love visiting people and spend most of my time working with the other traveling petting zoo peeps. We have a ton of fun!