Cheshire Moon Farms Story of Hope
AKA "Hope"
Hi! I’m Hope. I’ve been around since January of 2024, but mom hasn’t taken the time to introduce me until now. I entered the world semi-normally. Let me explain. I’m a quad, which means that I was born with 3 other kids. I have 3 brothers that all went to great homes. However, we were born in shifts. My mom was in the hospital the day I was born, but my auntie helped bring my first brother and I into the world. But my momma, Mercy, had a secret, my other two brothers! When mom got home the next day from the hospital, that’s when momma Mercy decided to let my other brothers be born.
My mom was so confused. But she decided to pull me and my older brother to bottle feed, because it would make sure we all got enough food. Mom had already decided I was staying here forever. I love doing traveling for petting zoos and all the cuddles I can get.