Hi! I’m Aberdeen, but you can call me Abby if you like! I am a Mini Lamancha! What that means is my daddy was a Nigerian Dwarf and my mom was a Lamancha! I have the tiny Lamancha ears, but a tiny body to match! Yes my ears are supposed to be this small. There are some Lamanchas and Mini Lamanchas with even tinier ears! Can you believe that?! My ears are called “Elf ears” so they have a little bit more, but the smaller ears are called “Gopher Ears” and they are the tiniest bumps for outer ears!
Anyway, I will be one of the milking goats here at the farm. But my main job title is “Emotional Support Goat”. Let me explain… I go to every petting zoo, and not just for the treats. My best friend is Mya, she’s the black cow. When she arrived to the farm she’d never seen goats, sheep or horses before. She was really shy and nervous. So mom penned me and her together. I have a ton of confidence and Mya really needed my help. Now Mya won’t even load into the trailer if I’m not there. So I go where she goes. It is an awesome job! I get any snacks she leaves behind and I can lay right underneath her and eat at the hay feeder. No one bothers me because she’s so much bigger than the other goats!
Anywhoo nice to meet you guys. I gotta run, trailers getting ready to head out. Snacks await.