Cheshire Moon Farms Alfonzo
AKA "Alfie"
Hey everybody! It is awesome to meet all of you! I’m Alfie! Mom calls me the baby boy! I’m not even a year yet, but I’m really growing up good. Mom says that’s why I got to stay here on the farm! I’m super excited about that because I LOVE mom. And it is not just because I’m a bottle baby, but because she always has time for all of us. But she makes special time for me!
My dad is Okie and my mom is Louise. And it is not that Louise didn’t want me, it was that I got really sick and she couldn’t handle me and Moose (my twin) at the same time. So mom took me inside and bottle fed me until I got better. But by then Moose was just big enough to butt me away from Louise. So I got to stay with mom.
I am a world class gentleman, just like my dad! I don’t fight or push the girls around. I’m just happy if there is grass, hay, grain, or really any sort of snack. I stand for my feet and meds every time. My mom is always very impressed with me, and I always show lots of love.
That said I do tend to forget I am not a tiny baby anymore. I may have tipped mom over when she was smashing pumpkins for us after Halloween… I tried to go between her legs. I swear I used to fit. Well this time I didn’t… well I made myself fit. And in the process mom fell over behind me, pumpkin and all. Oops. Well mom wasn’t hurt but she called me a lot of words I don’t know. Then Moo stood on her and she started calling her words. It was kinda funny. I made sure to give mom a kiss while she was laying there, then I noticed the pumpkin she was holding broke so I left to go eat that. I LOVE PUMPKINS!
But yeah that’s me! I got a few girlfriends this year so we will see if I sire any babies. Mom says she’s pretty sure I did good. We’ll see. If you guys have any questions about me please let mom know!