Cheshire Moon Farms Rough Sapphire
AKA Saphie
Hello. My name is Saphie, well Sapphire, but mom calls me Saphie. I was born in June of 2024. I was a single kid born to Penelope! I was one of the few dam raised kids that mom keeps. I’m not super friendly to people but am working on it. Mom says I am one of the prettiest colored goats she’s ever seen. I am a roaned black with frosted tips. I am the trouble maker at present. There is no feed that I cannot find, and no hay feeder that I can’t get into. If there is food I will get it and won’t share if I don’t have to, I usually have to. I love animal crackers and nose boops. But would prefer to just run zoomies in the field all day.
Anyway gotta run, I see mom has the feed buckets.