So you want to schedule a Petting Zoo...

  How does it work?

If you have an event that you would like to have our traveling petting zoo at please email us at to confirm that we are available that day. In this same email tell us about your event, and what you picture for that event. We offer both adult and kid goats, adult sheep and lambs, small animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs, a pony, and a calf currently. If you are just interested in one or two goats on leashes we can do that as well. We do events such as weddings, birthday parties, family reunions, tailgating, festivals and many more.

We do all the work, we will arrive shortly before the scheduled time. We will then set up the appropriate number of pens (for those wanting more than 2 animals in attendance), water, and feed for the animals. Once the animals have been put in their pens people are welcome to interact with the animals. Animal snacks will be available to feed them for an additional small fee. We use ice cream cones to allow people to feed the animals, this is to reduce waste because the animals can eat the ice cream cones as well. All leftover used ice cream cones are collected after use and if the animals present do not want them they are offered to the animals that did not attend when we return home.

We can set up on concrete or grass. Grass is preferred during the summer to avoid hot concrete on the animals if they want to lay down. Depending on the time of year, temperatures etc, we will set up pop up tents to provide shade to the animals and use a generator to provide fans/misters for the animals.

Clean up is done in the pens throughout the time there. Poop is swept up or scooped up. If you would like us put on concrete know that some remnants of poop may remain in the concrete, if requested we can set up on tarps. We leave as little behind as we can. 

During public petting zoo events small 5 min cuddle sessions are available with your choice of goat, lamb, rabbit or duck present at the event.

Therapeutic Sessions

Animal Assisted Therapeutic sessions are also available for individuals. It is a therapeutic service offered by our farm, it is simply time that is offered with an animal/animals to help an individuals body to counteract the effects of cortisol in the body, by naturally increasing dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin levels in the body. It has been proven to help individuals with CPTSD, PTSD, spectrum disorders, chronic pain and many others. *If you would like the medical studies or more information please feel free to reach out I would love to send you the information*  

Sessions are available all year round and if you would like to schedule a home session, or a meet up session we would be happy to help with that. Once we have a home location there will be a choice of rooms to used for these therapeutic sessions. Veterans always receive free therapeutic/cuddle sessions, all you have to do is show your Military ID.

AAT has also been proven by research to cause ( As Per:

-Improved sense of security/emotional safety
-Stronger therapeutic alliance
-Teaches empathy and encourages empathic responses
-May increase sense of self-efficacy
-Reduced symptoms of depression
-Reduced symptoms of anxiety
-Reduced cortisol levels

-Increased levels of oxytocin and serotonin
-Encourages sense of responsibility
-Reduces loneliness
-Provides comfort
-A model for desirable behavior
-Increase in mental capacity/mental stimulation
-A behavioral reward/enjoyment
-Emotional catalyst in therapy/breaks through resistance (UCLA Health, n.d.; Compitus, 2021b; Arluke et al., 1999)

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