Hi, I’m Lolli. I’m 11 years old and have been dealing with my second mom for about 4 years. I am owned by Ashley Rouse, the sister-in-law to Elise. Elise has been obsessed with me because I am so small. I’m only 29 inches tall at the shoulder. Yes, I’m short but do not let that fool you. I can push you over at the knees anytime I want to. I am the queen and no one challenges me, not even Prince. I am currently living with my second mom and her conglomeration of animals, because I am supposed to be pregnant. I’m apparently supposed to get an ultrasound here pretty soon. And for those of you worried that I am too old to have a foal, no I’m not. It is all good and I am pretty excited to be a momma. And no, I’m not pregnant in the summer looking pictures… Just the winter ones. And I’m not fat I’m fluffy.
I had really bad feet and legs when Ashley bought me, but she corrected my feet and my legs healed decently, but they are not straight in the back. I am pretty happy to bully around the other animals here and my size doesn’t matter. When I lived with Ashley I was at the bottom of the pecking order, but now I reign supreme over everyone… Well except Elise. She still baby talks me and gives me kisses and brushes, even when I try to scare her off. She’s tough and I do actually like her a lot, just don’t tell her.