AKA "Missy"

Ok, so my human mom said that I have to introduce myself to you. I’m Misfire, my mom calls me Missy sometimes. I am the boss of the herd. What I say goes. And sometimes so do I. I want the least human contact I can get. My mom says she doesn’t blame me. 

Apparently, I got sick the most when she got me. I get an abcess in my salivary gland. And my mom has to either take me into the vet or has to fix it herself. I HATE THAT! And I never know when she’s going to grab me and give me a shot, or do my feet, or just touch me! EWWW. Obviously, I don’t participate in any sort of petting, or zooish thing. I will occasionally trust mom enough to come up for a treat. And when I’m in a kidding stall I will take treats from her daily. But as soon as my babies understand how to get out of the pen I too will leave it. Usually I am then allowed out of the kidding barn. 

My mom doesn’t try to force love on me. And when I’m with Millie my best friend I am just happy. My mom thinks it is because I am older and she refuses to stress me out if she can help it. I am about 7 or 8 years old. I am not registered like most of the other myos here. I have an extra teat on one side, which is genetic. Which is why all of my kids go for pets. I am mostly thankful for that because I know, after getting handled by my human, they will have forever homes. 

Anyway, I guess it was ok to meet you guys. If you are interested in supplying some treats please talk to my mom.