D9068 Crow River Fainters Everlasting Faith CR6
AKA "Faith"

Hi Everyone. My mom said I was supposed to come on here and introduce myself or something. I’m not quite sure. I think you guys met my bestie Grace. We do everything together. Like this past year we even timed to have our kids at the same time. Although I managed to have twins and she only had a single… big single, but still only one. 

I’m one of the original darlings mom got from MN. It was a long trip down here listening to Grace and Blue cry the whole way. I really didn’t mind. I really don’t mind a whole lot of stuff, except anytime I need dewormed or given my vaccinations… I hate that. I usually think that is what mom is going to do to me every time she tries to catch me. So I usually try to avoid her. But I definitely know when she’s talking to me. 2 years ago I had twins, I had them cleaned, then the herd-sitter arrived with food (mom was out of town) so I went to go eat. Apparently I forgot the kids in the barn. Oops. The sitter then came out of the barn and yelled for me, I looked at her and yelled back. Like seriously I was eating, she then brought my babies to me like a good human.

Like why should I watch them all the time? That’s what mom and the other humans are for. I don’t quite trust mom all the time, shots are not nice you know. But I know that she’ll always give me attention and snacks when I’m not feeling the best or just want to be next to her. She’s learning I want attention only at certain times, not on her terms, on mine.

This makes it so I don’t have to do the zoo thingy. Which is nice. Take the annoying short one and the tall floppy eared one for that. Anyway, please send cheezits or ritz crackers please.