Grandma's Dexters Rhaelle
AKA "Ellie"
Hi. I’m Ellie. Please don’t let my looks scare you. I know my eyes are different and it may seem scary… it was for me for a while too. See I got sick with pinkeye when I was a bity baby. Unfortunately the normal meds didn’t work for me, and I became mostly blind. One day I panicked when a big cow hit me and I ran into a fence. I ended up injuring my right eye pretty badly, it almost completely deflated. But my breeder loved me so much he called my mom. She made arrangements to come and get me.
She kept me in quarantine until all the infection was gone. No more pink eye for me. The vets tell mom that my eye won’t have to be removed, I am so happy I don’t have to have surgery. And luckily I am not completely blind either. I can see just enough to find food, water, and my friends. Plus I can see if mom is bringing any snacks.
But my favorite trick is my mom’s as well. Anytime mom yells cows or my name I will moo at her so she can find me. Anyway I have to go, I hear mom.