Our Rabbits

At present we have only two breeds of rabbits and a doe (girl) and buck (boy) of each breed. The two breeds we have are Mini Rexs and Lionheads. The Mini Rex is known for really soft velvety fur. I cannot count the number of people rendered speechless at petting zoos when petting them. Lionheads have a longer fur but are very personable and prefer to hang out with humans. 

The cotton ball with the nose is Frank. He’s super sweet and loves his carrots.

The living Rorschach test is Fluff. Really the whole rabbit thing is his fault. If he wasn’t so sweet and adorable I wouldn’t have gone down this rabbit hole… pun intended.

Babs is next, she is a blue Mini Rex. She is highly food motivated and will throw her dish is she isn’t fed first.

Daphne is last. But certainly never least. She is our resident diva. She can open almost any cage and has no problem searching you out, to stomp about her wants.