Hello. I’m Stewie. Yes, it is kind of a funny name for a ewe, a girl sheep for those of you not yet in the know. My grandma actually named me after some character from a tv show called Family Guy… apparently that baby also yelled a lot for their mom.
I am one of two Shetland sheep here at the farm. My mom got my best friend Brian from my auntie Corinne. I am currently at auntie’s house hanging out with a new boyfriend. I’ll have my first lambs in May. I’m not quite sure how I feel about this yet. But I do love my auntie, even though she makes me wear a coat all the time. It is to protect my wool, it is just annoying and I would just rather be naked. But mom says I am really good at ruining my wool, and she doesn’t want me to get a skin infection. So here I am wearing my coat.
If anyone out there is interested in my wool for next year please let mom know.